Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Visual of a year's supply of Food Storage

I received this email from a friend. I thought you might like to read it also:

The prophet has asked us to obtain a 3 month supply of foods that we normally eat.

After we have done that, he has asked us to get food to sustain life for 1 year.

Here is a visual sent to me of what he is asking for sustaining life for one person per year.

Are you at a point that you can now do this and follow his counsel?

- Exactly What Does a Basic 1 Year Food Storage for 1 Person Look Like?
These are the MINIMUM Basic Amounts of Food Needed for Survival for ONE PERSON for ONE YEAR:

(click on the photo so see a larger image)

BARE-MINIMUM LDS Church Food storage requirements for
1 adult male for 1 year Appx. 2,300 calories per day. (only 695lbs total)

Some people try to rationalize that we "really" don't need to store everything that we have been asked to store. The regular excuses of no money, no room, no time, don't know how to use wheat, or don't eat wheat, etc. Some have heard "that is so much to store", that "our family would never use 400 pounds of grains per person in an entire year". Also, "we don't use that much salt or oil", therefore they don't feel they need to store it."

As what felt like my last feeble attempt to try to help, the thought came to actually create a display to show 1) what does that one year basic survival food for one person look like (the amounts the First Presidency has recommended), and 2) how much does that really work out to be per day?

This display has been amazingly successful in [another] Stake.

We purposely bought food that they could get at a grocery store, rather than overwhelming them with seeing tons of dry-pack cans or buckets. We broke out each item and gave them the prices of what this would cost locally. We even gave them the price of a shelve to store it on.

When I measured out the amounts to show what you would get per day, per person it was impressive. We took all those ingredients and by adding yeast (which we know is not on the basic list – but hopefully we have stored), we were able to make one loaf of bread and 1/3 cup of beans. That would be your food for the entire day.

Don't FORGET water!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wonderful book

I found a great book. It is Rich Dad's Advisors: Guide to Investing In Gold and Silver: Protect Your Financial Future
I highly-highly recommend it! I have listened to the audio book version three times in the past two weeks and am now reading the book since the audio book is abridged, I wanted to get the complete story. It has some very important and timely advice in today's crazy economic times. It also teaches about the history of money and why the dollar is in so much trouble.

Since I am not the best writer, here is a little blurb I found on the book:

Throughout the ages, many things have been used as currency: livestock, grains, spices, shells, beads, and now paper. But only two things have been money: gold and silver. When paper currency becomes too abundant, and thus loses value, man always turns back to the precious metals. During these events there is always an enormous wealth transfer, and it is within your power to transfer that wealth either away from you or toward you.

Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver Tells Readers

  • The essential history of economic cycles that make gold and silver the ultimate monetary standard
  • How the U.S. government is driving inflation by diluting our money supply and weakening our purchasing power
  • Why precious metals are one of the most profitable, easiest, and fastest investments you can make
  • Where, when and how to invest your money and realize maximum returns, no matter what the state of the economy
  • Essential advice on avoiding the middleman and taking control of your financial destiny by making your investments directly

Cat Food Can Cooking

I came across a very small and economical stove. My main purpose for this stove will be hiking and camping purposes but it could apply nicely for a bug out bag if you wanted a simple way to boil water or cook food on the go.

The main advantage is that it's extremely light and small. Here is a link to the plans. http://www.andrewskurka.com/advice/recommendations/stoves.php Click on the link in the article, "read them now" for the full instructions.